About Wegmans

Where will Wegmans be building new stores in the future?

Check out our “Here We Grow” page to see where our newest locations will be.

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How many stores do you have, and where are they located?

We have 110 stores located in New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Virginia, Maryland, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Delaware, and Washington, D.C. For a complete list of our store locations, please visit our store locator.

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Where is Wegmans corporate headquarters?

Wegmans Food Markets, Inc. is located at 1500 Brooks Avenue, PO Box 30844, Rochester, NY 14603-0844, and you may reach our Customer Care Center by telephone at 1-800-WEGMANS (934-6267), Monday-Friday 8:00am-7:00pm EST and Saturday-Sunday 8am – 5pm EST. Danny Wegman is chairman: his daughter, Colleen, is president and CEO.

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Will my information be shared with other vendors?

We may provide purchase information to vendors in aggregate form (i.e., customer non-specific) in order to bring you special offers on products and services. We may also provide a list of names and addresses to a mail house so that they can send a direct mail offer from us to you. The mail house would be required to sign a strict Non-Disclosure Agreement, which prohibits them from disclosing the information to anyone else or using the information for a purpose that we have not specifically authorized. We provide customer phone numbers to a vendor when there is a need for a product recall notification. That vendor is also required to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement.

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Am I allowed to take pictures/videos in your store?

Because our stores are private property, we reserve the right to limit photography/videography. However, if you’re an out-of-town visitor, or your child is doing something amazingly cute, or you’re just enjoying lunch with friends in our Market Café, feel free to capture the memory.

The answer isn’t as clear cut for others, such as a Wegmans vendor, a student working on a project, or an outside organization with no connection to Wegmans. We encourage you to speak with the store manager or call the Customer Care Center at 1-800-WEGMANS (934-6267) if you have a question.

News media must have permission from Wegmans’ Public Relations Department before taking photos or video in our stores or on our property. Please call 1-800-WEGMANS (934-6267). Members of the media may also visit our Photo Gallery for downloadable images.

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Why is there no apostrophe in Wegmans?

It’s been missing in action since 1931, when the company incorporated, and we simplified the logo. Believe it or not, adding an apostrophe to the sign on the front of each of our stores would cost more than a half million dollars! Not to mention changing the logo on all our products, bags, etc. Just think of it as the plural Wegmans, as in the many generations of Wegman family members that have built the company! Check here for more information on Wegmans history.

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Will Wegmans help with research for a student project?

We wish there was time to personally help every student who seeks our input, but we simply cannot. In recent years, we have been inundated with requests from both teachers and students. It would be a time-consuming effort to answer the many requests we receive, and so often, the information requested is proprietary.

Our website has historical and other information about our company. These links in particular might be helpful: the Company Overview & History page and Newsroom.

The Food Marketing Institute is also a good source for industry information. They can be reached at 202-452-8444 or at fmi.org.

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Can I get an annual report from Wegmans?

Since our company is privately owned, we don’t offer an annual report.

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Will Wegmans donate to my not-for-profit organization?

Wegmans focuses our community support in four giving priority categories: feeding the hungry, enriching neighborhoods, supporting education, and assisting youth and families. For more information on Wegmans giving priorities and how to submit a proposal, please visit our Making a Difference page.

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Does Wegmans have electronic coupons and where can I find them?

Wegmans offers digital coupons to customers who have a Wegmans online account linked to their Shoppers Club. Digital coupons are paperless coupons that customers can clip to their Shoppers Club account from wegmans.com or the Wegmans App for simple redemption at checkout. Visit our Digital Coupon FAQs for more information.

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How do I give feedback about an employee/store?

We look forward to hearing from you. You can use our contact us page to send any feedback you may have.

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What are your holiday hours?

Our store holiday hours vary based on location and region.  Please check with your store for updated hours.

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Can’t find an answer to your question? Send us an email or call us at 1-800-WEGMANS